
Wow! Obviously the big question for next week is whether or not the S&P downgrade is fully priced in or if we had some front-running this past week of a…

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They're back! It's been a long while since I've collected and shared psychology related links and a few of you have prodded me over the weeks to bring them back…

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Impressive start and finish to the week gives the bulls and dip buyers the upper hand. As we enter option expiration next week there's sure to be some names that…

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One day we will look back on this move off of 666 and refer to it as the Superman Rally. Seriously though, seems there is nothing that can deter this…

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It's 4 AM, the beer goggles have come off and the market doesn't look as appealing as it did a few hours ago. Many were looking for an elusive escape…

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What a week! Finally had a much needed pullback  to bring the bears out of hibernation. Russell 2000 ($IWM) took the biggest hit losing -4.3% and the distinction of the…

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Ah yes, another week another gain for the bulls. The Russell 2000 turned in a whopping 2.5% return for the week and is now up 3% for 2011. Realized volatility…

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First full trading week for 2011 is in the books with the $SPX netting a 1.1% gain despite a less than stellar jobs report Friday. The focus shifts to earnings…

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