
Wahooo! With the settlement of $SPX on Friday morning came the end of 2010 for me. As a premium seller, trying to remain neutral, it was a good year despite the market trending higher (almost unrealistically some cycles) since March. I’ll be in and out of the market with some speculative positions between now and the end of the year but the bulk of my trading is done.

I am still expecting a breach of 1250 before 2011 hits and have some $IWM calls. I also have small (long stock) positions in $LLTC and $DE as well as a few shorts (via March puts) in $LULU and (via Feb puts) $AFL. When January hits I’m not sure what to expect so I’m looking forward to hearing/reading others’ thoughts in the coming weeks. Have a great weekend and enjoy the links!

  • Fighter pilots may owe their ability to perform under pressure to the way their brains are wired
  • A Positive Mood Allows Your Brain to Think More Creatively
  • 50+ famous quotes adapted to trading
  • Emotional intelligence peaks as we enter our 60s
  • The woman who knows no fear
  • For the first time, marijuana use is more common in American kids than cigarette smoking
  • Do genes make up your mind?
  • Market Trends: What Comes First, Objectives or Trade Psychology?
  • Some traits/biases are more universal than others.