Yet another record high for the S&P 500. With the December OpEx out of the way it looks as though the tax bill vote (or no vote) next week is the only potential roadblock for the Santa Claus rally. Enjoy your weekend!
- Star Wars science: Sci-Fi syndrome, Neuroprosthetics, and Luke Skywalker’s hand | Neuwrite
- ‘Diet’ products can make you fat, study shows | UGA
- Being an excellent listener is all about empathy | The Cut
- Looking at the top 70 altcoins by the problems they’re looking to solve | Jon Holmquist
- The Carpenter Vs. The Gardener: Two models of modern parenting | NPR
- The amazing way forgetting helps your brain function | Psych Central
- The fear of losing control — and its role in anxiety disorders | Concordia
- How fear is being used to manipulate cryptocurrency markets | Psychology Today
- The piranha problem in social psychology / behavioral economics: The “take a pill” model of science eats itself | Andrew Gelman