
Ah yes, Virginia was not disappointed this week. Now if it could only snow here in Dallas this weekend. Of course the real test will be what the market brings next week and perhaps even more important 2012. This slow upward grind on low volume was a classic Santa Claus rally so it will be interesting to see if it continues into Tuesday. One interesting observation from Friday was the $VXX performing the way it did. Bill Luby suggests it has to do with the futures (I’d consider him an expert).

For those of you visiting for the first time you may be wondering why a collection of links like this. The reason is simple. I went to school for a very long time and plan on teaching at a university again some day. I do my best to keep abreast of what’s going on in the psychology/counseling profession and share some of the links of things I read during the week. Enjoy the links, your families, the holidays and the extended weekend!

  • Steve Jobs on Why Computers Are Like a Bicycle for the Mind [Brain Pickings]
  • Hard economic times and increased suicide [Brain Blogger]
  • Is 27 really a dangerous age for famous musicians? [BMJ]
  • Brain strain: We’re not really wired to cut back on shopping [Bend Bulletin]
  • Habit formation is enabled by gateway to brain cells [Georgia Health]
  • The science of Santa [NCSU]
  • What defines our perception of time? [Daily Maverick]
  • The quest to understand consciousness [Integral Options Cafe]
  • America needs more geeks: How to make science cool [Time]
  • How do we split our attention? [McGill]
  • Social networks matter: Friends increase the size of your brain [The Creativity Post]
  • An objective measure of consciousness? [Neuroskeptic]
  • What makes someone an angry drunk? [MSNBC]
  • Usain Bolt and the end of the world [The Guardian]
  • The psychology of taste [Creative Loafing]
  • Give yourself the gift of a healthier you [News Times]